Ielts Speaking Staying Up Late - IELTS IDV

Ielts Speaking Staying Up Late

Do you often stay up late?

What do you often do when staying up late?

Did you stay up late when you were young?

Would you like to get up early or stay up late to finish work/ study?

How would you feel the next day after staying up late?

Ielts Speaking Staying up late Topic Sample Band 8.0 từ Ielts Speaking 8.0 Book by Dương Vũ – sach bao gồm Hướng dẫn trả lời chi tiết từng dạng câu hỏi + từ vựng theo topic + Ideas + samples Full 3 Parts bao trùm các topic khó trong bộ đề quý mới nhất giúp bạn tự học Ielts speaking hiệu quả, tiết kiệm: 

Đây là đề mới trong bộ đề Ielts Speaking quy 1 2023 sẽ được giữ lại sang quý 2 2023:

Do you often stay up late?

I do. Though I see myself as a morning person, I rarely go to bed before midnight due to my hectic schedule. Especially since I registered for my Ielts test, I’ve been staying up even more frequently to prepare for it. 

What do you often do when staying up late?

I usually stay up to finish what I couldn’t find time for during the day. That said (=However), I sometimes delay going to bed just to surf the Internet, I mean social media, binge watching nonsense videos on Tiktok and Youtube.

Did you stay up late when you were young?

I did. I was accustomed to burning the midnight oil even when I was in middle school and high school. We used to have an enormous amount of homework every single day and it was expected of us to complete it all. I had no idea how I survived those exhausting days.

Would you like to get up early or stay up late to finish work/ study?

It seems to me that I perform better in the morning. Then again (=But), it really depends on each season…

Ielts Speaking Staying up late Topic Sample Band 8.0 từ Ielts Speaking 8.0 Book by Dương Vũ – sach bao gồm Hướng dẫn trả lời chi tiết từng dạng câu hỏi + từ vựng theo topic + Ideas + samples Full 3 Parts bao trùm các topic khó trong bộ đề quý mới nhất giúp bạn tự học Ielts speaking hiệu quả, tiết kiệm: 


Kinh nghiệm viết luân Ielts WRITING 8.0:

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Khoá Học Ielts lớp nhỏ, Ielts cấp tốc 1 kèm 1 Ielts Speaking Writing uy tín, cam kết đạt aim band 6.5, 7.0, 7.5: 

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