Ielts Speaking part 3 Travel Tourism - IELTS IDV

Ielts Speaking part 3 Travel Tourism

Ielts Speaking Part 3 Travel – Tourism topic – SAMPLES 8.0 FROM IELTS SPEAKING BOOK 8.0 BY DUONG VU 8.5 Ielts :

What are some popular attractions in your country?

I’m proud to say that Vietnam has a lot to offer international visitors. For nature lovers and sightseeing fans, we have stunning beaches, bays, lakes, caves as well as mountain landscapes. Halong Bay or Son Doong Cave are well-known across the globe for their magnificent settings. For those who are into culture, Hanoi, Hoi An and Ho Chi Minh city are the most fascinating places to explore a rich collection of ancient houses and historical monuments.

Do young and old people prefer to go to different destinations on their holidays?

Without a doubt, their preferences are completely different from each other. The most noticeable difference might be that young people usually seek adventure, glamor and novelty. They tend to either travel off the beaten track or choose trendy places that have been featured in blockbuster movies. They also adore vibrant cities with amazing nightlife. In contrast, older people often look for opportunities to calm their mind and discover their inner world. That’s why older travelers tend to pick up relaxing destinations or remote areas  with fabulous sceneries to stay away from the crowd.

What is the most important thing about a destination for tourists? 

I reckon that it depends on their travel style. Those who love sightseeing might favor magnificent scenery and landscape. Leisure travelers tend to flock to renowned beach resorts where they can sunbathe , swim or just unwind on a hammock. Cultural enthusiasts, however, may look for places that are rich in culture and history so that they could get immersed into local culture, especially its cuisine and traditions. 

Is it important to make travel plans in advance?

Absolutely. Planning a trip in advance offers a ton of benefits. To begin with, holiday goers are more likely to select the right destinations and the finest services for their vacations if they invest time in collecting valuable information, especially feedback from previous visitors beforehand. Additionally, a detailed plan enables them to enjoy a smooth and hassle-free journey as they have anticipated all possible scenarios like delays or unfavorable weather, and have alternative options in place already.

Are online travel reviews and advice useful?

Yes, they can be. Candid feedback from previous visitors might enable people to stay away from tourist traps or lousy hotels and restaurants. One bad review might not tell the whole story but a lot of negative reviews can say a lot. Of course, people also need to be cautious with positive reviews and recommendations too, especially if they sound too good to be true, because there are countless fake reviews out there.

What usually affects the experience of tourists? 

I’d say that the greatest letdown might be the destination itself because it may not be up to their expectations. For instance, the scenery may not look as spectacular as online photos, local food might be unappealing to their taste or the place turns out to be a crowded tourist trap. Additionally, long delays as well as poor service at hotels, restaurants and shops might also lead to disappointment. There is nothing worse than getting a shabby room, dealing with rude staff or being ripped off.

How can people get to know about a destination in advance?

Without a doubt, in the digital age, there are various ways to obtain knowledge about any destination, including travel guidebooks, TV programmes, online travel forums, YouTube channels and other social media platforms. People can now gain valuable insights into other nations without actually setting foot on them. Just type a keyword into the Google search box and a wealth of information can be accessed for free. And watching images and video clips online can be exhilarating/ fascinating too.

Is it necessary to travel to another country to learn about their culture? 

That’s a tough question. As I mentioned, people can easily discover an exotic culture from others’ experiences, possibly via books or handy digital devices. However, nothing can be compared to seeing it with their own eyes and experiencing it themselves. For example, travelers can only talk to local people, practice their traditions and truly get immersed into their culture if they actually take a trip to that country. What I’m trying to say is that TV and virtual experiences can be equally fascinating but they can’t really replace actual journeys. So, traveling abroad is rewarding despite being unnecessary for learning purposes.

What are the advantages of tourism?

I suppose traveling is one of the most effective ways for people to broaden their minds. When they visit other regions or countries, they can get immersed into local cultures and gain insights into their way of life. This might bring people across the globe closer to each other and dispel stereotypes against other countries. Besides, traveling enables people to break away from the hustle and bustle of their daily lives, relieve stress and  recharge their energy. On top of that, tourism is a huge economic sector that generates attractive employment opportunities and incomes for locals.

What are the disadvantages of tourism?

Definitely, yes. Tourism development has put a great deal of pressure on the local environment and community. Growing demand for transportation by airplanes, buses, cars and boats has led to increased air pollution and water pollution. Added to that, an influx of visitors can leave devastating impacts on local cultures. For example, a great number of Asian traditions and customs have been modified to accommodate the taste of western travelers. As a result, cultures around the world are losing authenticity and becoming similar to each other.

Is eco-tourism good or bad?

Well, I have mixed feelings toward eco-tourism. On the one hand, it helps raising people’s awareness about the importance of nature conservation and responsible travel. On the other hand, if the term is misused as a marketing tag to attract more tourists, leading to large scale tour operations, it would be a disaster. In fact, a lot of detrimental impacts have been reported on whale watching tours. Therefore, while eco travel or responsible travel in general is highly encouraged, it should be controlled strictly I believe.

Copyright by cô Duong Vu 8.5 Ielts

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