Ielts Speaking Cycling Topic - IELTS IDV

Ielts Speaking Cycling Topic

Ielts Speaking Cycling samples 8.0+ by cô Dương Vũ 8.5 Ielts. LIKE/ Follow facebook Ielts 8.5 Dương Vũ để học từ vựng BAND 8.0 -9.0 free và nhiều samples speaking writing band cao hay các bạn nhé:

Cycling là topic mới của bộ đề dự đoán Ielts Speaking quý 2 2023 nên sẽ được giữ lại sang bộ đề dự đoán Ielts speaking quý 3 2023 (cuối) 2023 nhé:

Sample 2023:

Do you like cycling? 

I wouldn’t describe myself as a sporty person so I rarely go cycling. Also, I’m living in a bustling city which is unfriendly to cyclists as its streets are always packed with cars and motorcycles.  

(go cycling / cycle/ ride a bicycle)

Did you ride a bicycle when you were a kid? 

I used to go to school by bicycle, from primary school to high school. Back then, it was common for students in rural areas to cycle to school because our parents were too busy to pick us up and drop us off.

Who first taught you to ride a bicycle?

It’s been a long time so I don’t remember whether my parents  gave me any cycling instructions. Probably, I learned how to do it myself. I just mimicked what other kids were doing and after falling off my bicycle several times, I was eventually able to ride it. 

Would you like to buy a bicycle? 

Yes, I’d love to. The environment is becoming more and more polluted so IF I commute by bicycle, I can help alleviate / ease this pressing problem. I just wish the streets in Hanoi could be more bicycle friendly. 

Do you think Vietnamese people will cycle more in the future?

Yes, I would say so. Actually, it is a trendy recreational activity now .  Particularly, since the covid-19 pandemic broke out, people have become more conscious of their health and the environment, so I believe cycling will become even more popular rather than a thing of the past

Sample 2020:

  • Do you like cycling?

Absolutely. I love all things that are eco-friendly. I find it truly relaxing and convenient to get around my neighbourhood on a bicycle.

  • Did you learn riding a bicycle when you were a child?

Yes, I guess everyone did. It was a lot of fun and I took great pride in learning to pedal on my own, without help from my busy-working parents.

  • Do Vietnamese people like cycling?

They used to love it. Two decades ago, bicycle was a major means of transport for most families in Vietnam. Now cars and motorcycles have replaced them.

  • Do you think they will cycle more in the future?

It’s unlikely that people will give up the comfort of their motor vehicles unless the government takes a bold step to encourage people to cycle more. For many, cycling seems to be a thing of the past now.

Copyright by Dương Vũ 8.5 Ielts  – IDV Ielts

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