Ielts Speaking Car Travel - IELTS IDV

Ielts Speaking Car Travel

Ielts Speaking – Car Travel by cô Dương Vũ 8.5 Ielts. LIKE/ Follow facebook Ielts 8.5 Dương Vũ để học từ vựng free và nhiều samples speaking writing band cao hay các bạn nhé:

Water Sport là topic mới của bộ đề dự đoán Ielts Speaking quý 2 2023 nên sẽ được giữ lại sang bộ đề dự đoán Ielts speaking quý 3 2023 (cuối) 2023 nhé:

Hướng dẫn chiến lược trả lời Ielts Speaking đạt điểm cao

Do you like to travel by car?

Well, I’m not a particular fan of cars and only take a car trip when necessary, mainly to distant destinations. You know, they are the main culprit of worsening air pollution and traffic congestion in urban areas. Especially with poor transport infrastructure in a crowded city like Hanoi, travelling by cars might not be as fast and pleasant as you thought.

Where did you go on your last trip by car?

Well, let me see. My most recent journey was a couple of months ago. I shared a rental car with my sisters to come back to our hometown for the summer holiday. Normally I would take a bus or train but due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, I had no choice really.

What is the farthest place you travelled to by car?

The longest car journey I’ve made is from Hanoi to Hue in Central Vietnam. If my memory serves me right, it was around 10 hours and the total distance was over 600 km. I still remember how dizzy I got when reaching our final destination. However, the scenery along the way was spectacular, particularly the ride along the coast.

Do you like to sit in the front or the back of a car?

It depends really. For instance, when I’m tired and need a nap during the trip, I would opt for a back seat as it seems more comfortable. However, if I’m energetic and wish to admire the breathtaking views on both sides of the road, I will insist on taking the front seat.

Copyright by Dương Vũ 8.5 Ielts  – IDV Ielts

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