Ielts Speaking Someone Wears Unusual Clothes - IELTS IDV

Ielts Speaking Someone Wears Unusual Clothes

Ielts Speaking Part 2 A Person who wears unusual clothes – Sample 8.0 -9.0 from Ielts Speaking Book by Duong Vu –  Sách tự học Ielts Speaking hướng dẫn chi tiết cách trả lời, ý tưởng, kèm câu trả lời mẫu BAND CAO, click here

The other day I came across an intriguing documentary about Hyde, a rock legend in Japan and I was deeply impressed. After watching his online performances , I’ve become a massive fan of him though I find his fashion style weird, even crazy sometimes…

Hyde is known for his theatrical costumes on stage and his otherworldly style offstage. He’s been featured in a plethora of magazines in long over-sized T-shirts, leather jackets and paper bag trousers with plenty of shimmering material. He even grows long hair and carries a wide brimmed hat from time to time. He prefers to dress in black from head to toe and complete his look with a broad selection of rings and chains. His personal style conveys a strong rock vibe and it’s no surprise that Hyde is considered a fashion icon in Japan. From the perspective of an old-fashion person, however, I find his fashion sense a bit bizarre.

I believe his iconic style has contributed significantly to his status as one of Japan’s top artists. Most importantly, offstage, he is also an amazing guy, very humble and down to earth. On top of that, his music is full of passion and completely different from typical Japanese music. I always look up to people like him, those who can put all their heart into what they do and take it to a whole new level. And of course, with such extraordinary talents and a kind heart, they can look gorgeous in any outfits.

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