Ielts speaking part 3 Take risks - IELTS IDV

Ielts speaking part 3 Take risks

Ielts Speaking part 3 topic A time you took risks – sample answer by Duong Vu in Ielts Speaking Book 2020 by Duong Vu:

Đây là đề mới trong Ielts Speaking Forecast quý 2 2020 – Bộ đề dự đoán Ielts Speaking Forecast quy 2 2020

Part 3 – RISK topic:

Who often take risks?

Do young people take risks more often than old people?

Should parents teach children to avoid taking risk?

Should people read about dangerous situations?


  • Who often take risks?

I believe only a minority of people are willing to take risks. Entrepreneurs are among the greatest risk takers as they invest huge amounts of money and effort into their business without knowing the outcome. Adventure travelers and extreme sports players also like to venture out of their comfort zones. They engage in risky activities and put their life on the line just to obtain some thrilling experiences, which I find truly amazing.


  • Do young people take risks more often than old people?

Definitely, young people are more likely to accept risks as they often seek opportunities to challenge and assert themselves. Also, they tend to be more confident and optimistic since they have a whole life ahead. If they fail, they can always start all over again. Older people, on the other hand, seem more cautious in making risky decisions. Obviously, their time is limited and their health also declines with age so they might try to avoid uncertainty and failure at all cost.


  • Should parents teach children to avoid taking risk?

That’s an interesting question. On the one hand, it’s crucial to keep children away from reckless behaviours involving drugs and crime. On the other hand, young people should be encouraged to incorporate a small and healthy dose of risks into their daily life. Risks do not always mean success for sure. It can lead to failure and frustration but by learning from these painful experiences and mistakes, children can gradually build their persistence and resilience required for leading a fulfilling life.


  • Should people read about dangerous situations?

In my view, it’s essential to pay attention to emergency news or warnings of dangers so that people take appropriate actions. At the same time, however, people should learn to differentiate reliable news from dubious news. These days, a plethora of fake news are being circulated on social media every single day. It’s much better for the public to just ignore them all and get rid of unnecessary negativity.

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